local middle school

We need your presence at one or more Hero Markers near you. One of the most important ways to honor our Virginia fallen military is to be at the Hero Marker when the run team arrives. There will be a Hero Marker placed at every mile along the 250 mile route from Virginia Beach to Arlington National Cemetery. These runners need to be appreciated and encouraged as they are investing 4 days and going a distance of 250 miles in honor of our Virginia Fallen and their families. By visibly showing support it energizes the runners and inspires them to continue knowing that there are others who appreciate the effort, not for themselves but for those who they run for.

Gold Star Families are encouraged to stand by your Hero's Marker, Bring your Honor and Remember personalized Flags, banners, photos, posters, friends, family and co-workers. The runners will stop at your marker and honor you and your loved one. We will post, under your hero's name above, the exact location, day and time the runners will arrive.

Veterans and Patriots we need you! Come out on your own or with your local organization. Community clubs such as Elks, Ruritans, Rotary, Lions, Eagles etc, we need everyone to be a part of making this tribute journey amazing.

Public Safety Officials - We have incorporated our newest Honor and Sacrifice Flag for fallen first responders. If you are in the law enforcement or EMT community please consider joining us and carrying this new tribute in honor of your brethren.

Schools, churches, businesses, corporations, patriotic Americans all, come out in your community and support this effort.

8 Ways to get involved

  1. Be or find a Core Runner
  2. Find Sponsors to offset costs; accommodations, insurance, marketing collateral and more
  3. Volunteer for assigned tasks & logistics
  4. Stand at Hero Marker for fallen hero families
  5. Provide food each day, snacks and  lunch, & dinner for runners, volunteers & families
  6. Identify and sponsor Hotels each night for runners, volunteers and families
  7. Decorate hero markers
  8. Help with media awareness


Hero Markers

Each Hero Marker is placed approximately one mile apart. Some placements may not be along roads that are conducive to safely standing on the side of the highway. Please use wise judgement when waiting for the runners to arrive, safety for all is our number one concern. You may want to consider standing at another marker in a safer location.

We have specific days and times scheduled so that you can plan your day around a Hero Marker.